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All Hands In
Welcome to our community of mental health and healing practitioners! We are enhancing the way that individuals and families suffering from mental health-related issues receive assistance.

By combining Psychology, Philosophy and other Social Sciences together with holistic healthcare practices, time-honored healing modalities and community-based integration opportunities, The Mental Health Movement is providing the level of care that clients not only need, but truly deserve,
Innovative Mental Health Support Services

According to the latest statistics, nearly 25% of individuals (adults and children) living in the United States experience regular psychological impairment symptoms that are severe enough to meet the diagnostic criteria for a Mental Health Disorder. In other words, 1 out of every 4 individuals is believed to be suffering from intrusive and persistent rupture to their cognitive and emotional wellbeing.

Relaxing at an Onsen Ryokan

"Emotional pain is not something that should be hidden away and never spoken about. There is truth in your pain, there is growth in your pain, but only if it's first brought out into the open." 
-Steven Aitchison

On the Couch

Integrative and collaborative mental health support services are needed now more than ever.

The Mental Health Movement was established to meet that need. 


​The Mental Health Movement is a cutting-edge social enterprise that offers guidance and support to individuals and families striving to overcome mental health-related issues. ​Our transformational services and collaborative care practices are uniquely designed to offer clients a comprehensive assortment of resources and a well-rounded team of supporters dedicated to their wellbeing. In essence, we go above and beyond to ensure that our clients are set up for success at the beginning of their mental healthcare journey and feel aptly supported along the way.

Integrative Mental Health and Wellness

"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much."

-Helen Keller

The Mental Health Movement is committed to providing accessible mental health and wellness-based services to individuals in need. Our inclusive and eclectic approach to mental healthcare enables us to tailor our services to meet the specific needs and preferences of each client, helping to mitigate the mental health crisis by providing holistic assistance to those suffering from psychological and emotional impairment. Through our comprehensive support service platform, The Mental Health Movement aims to help more people experience the life-changing benefits of mental health assistance and feel supported throughout their self-development journey.

It is important to note that our services are designed to work in tandem with conventional mental health services, not replace them.  However, our personalized Mental Wellness Plans have been designed to effectively meet the needs of most individuals suffering from moderate levels of mental and emotional distress without requiring a higher level of care. That said, in the event that The Mental Health Movement is ill-equipped or not legally authorized to provide a specific service that a client may benefit from, such as officially diagnosing a Mental Health Disorder, we not only encourage our clients to work with a Psychotherapist; we go the extra mile by networking them to a well-vetted and trusted practitioner. 

Yoga in Bamboo House
"Self-care is how you take your power back." 
 -Lalah Deliah

To enhance the overall wellbeing of our clients, The Mental Health Movement has incorporated numerous "self-care" activities and ancillary services into the programs that we offer. Moreover, we work diligently to strengthen our exclusive network of health and wellness professionals to ensure that our clients receive quality care and integrative health services. Whether it be a therapeutic massage to help calm a client’s nervous system, a personal diet plan to alleviate inflammation and strengthen their mind-body connection, or a spiritual retreat where a client's soul can be nurtured, we are here to meet their needs by connecting them with the supplementary healthcare services and practitioners that they can trust.

By offering a versatile platform that is not tied to any particular methodology, The Mental Health Movement boasts a unique opportunity for individuals to build a one-of-a-kind health and healing practice that caters to their specific circumstances and preferences. This, in turn, enables us to have the distinct honor of watching our clients authentically discover and advocate for themselves while creating an empowered and vibrant life!

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 Innovative mental health support services 
"designed with you in mind."

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